10 self-care affirmations to inspire parents

Start each day in a positive mindset with these affirmations.

Do you feel like every now and then, you need a gentle reminder that you are doing enough as a parent? As we get caught up in the day-to-day routines of school drop offs, work, cleaning, cooking and holding the family dynamic together, we can often be left feeling like our commitment to our family is underappreciated which can impact whether you feel like you’re a good enough parent.

Praise or positive feedback for your ability as a parent doesn’t have to come from your partner or children – you can greatly benefit from self-praise through practising positive self-care affirmations each day. Read on to find out what self-care affirmations are, our favourite self-care affirmations for parents, and how to incorporate them into your life.

What are self-care affirmations?

Put simply, self-care affirmations are positive phrases or statements that help to reinforce feelings of self-love and self-assurance while challenging negative or unhelpful thoughts. This simple practise can work wonders on boosting your self-esteem and confidence as a parent, particularly if your having a difficult day and feeling as though the pressures and responsibilities of parenting are piling on top of you. They can serve as gentle, friendly reminders that you are enough, and you do enough.

The wellbeing benefits of self-care affirmations for parents

The act of repeating positive affirmations to yourself each day can be incredibly healing mentally, emotionally, and physically, making you feel a sense of strength and resilience to help you on your parenting journey. After repeating self-care affirmations to yourself, you may feel that your shoulders relax, your breathing slows, your mind is clearer, and you feel more confident moving forward into the day ahead.

Our top 10 self-care affirmations for parents

  • I am a great parent/carer.
  • I am willing to learn and grow.
  • I have patience when I need it most.
  • All my children feel safe and cared for by me.
  • I am grateful that I can provide for my children to keep them healthy and feeling loved.
  • I love how much joy being a parent brings into my life.
  • My partner and I are good role models for our children.
  • I am confident and growing in my parenting role.
  • Loving myself is the greatest gift I can give to my child.
  • I take time to care for my own needs which makes me a better parent.

How to incorporate self-care affirmations into your daily life

All you need to do is simply pick an affirmation or as many as you wish – depending on your mood or your needs at the time – and repeat them to yourself as many times as you wish. It may be helpful to look into the mirror and repeat the affirmations out loud to help reinforce the message and encourage yourself to truly believe and trust the affirmation.

You could even read your affirmations aloud while spending some time alone practising other forms of self-care such as taking a warm bath, sipping your favourite herbal tea, taking a mindful walk through nature or while cooking your favourite sweet treats.

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