Mindful Parenting is nourishment for the nurturer, a bi-monthly self-care companion that invites readers to slow down, check in, and explore who they are – in and outside of being a parent.
Each issue contains five chapters with feature articles that centre around the following: Wellbeing, Relationships, Self-Care, Balance and Joy. With a huge amount of pressure and expectations – both internal and external – placed on parents in the modern world, Mindful Parenting takes a calm and considered approach to life as a parent. We focus on parental wellbeing, with each issue offering expert advice, guidance, and gentle self-care practices, interspersed with notes of encouragement.
If you are captivated by our uplifting and authentic approach to editorial and interested in becoming a contributor, please make sure you’ve read through our magazine and have an understanding of Mindful Parenting’s nurturing narrative style. Remember to check whether your topic has already been covered and, if so, whether you can give your piece another perspective. Feature articles will draw on expert commentary from reliable and trusted sources within the parenting sphere, and include facts that support the ideas expressed. Keep in mind that Mindful Parenting is soft, gentle, with ultimately uplifting messages that are reassuring and conversational, like a chat you’d have with a friend.
We welcome both pitches and finished work. If you’re sending a pitch for a specific chapter and topic, please send as a standard .doc attachment with portfolio samples of your previous work. For finished work, please consider your wordcount – feature articles range from 600 words up to approximately 1,200 words.
We would also appreciate a short summary of your experience and some details about yourself, since we love to hear about what inspires our contributors. Please send your submissions to submissions@lovattsmedia.com
Illustrators/artists we’d love to hear from you too! We’re always excited to see the creative efforts of our mindful readers, and we’re often on the lookout for our next gorgeous cover. Send your submissions or portfolio samples as low resolution .jpeg or .pdf files to us at submissions@lovattsmedia.com for consideration.
Please keep in mind that these will also need to be supplied as high resolution 300 DPI .jpeg files if we fall in love with your artwork and would like to include it in Mindful Parenting.
Due to the amount of submissions we receive, please understand that our editorial team are unable to reply or give feedback unless a pitch is of interest.